Sunday, March 15, 2015

A Family Recipe

S.O.L. #15 out of 31

Waffles and Chocolate

a heaping  teaspoon, give or take
thats how mama teaches us to bake  

stir & scald, whip & whisk
to perfect this recipe takes a special gift

chocolate gravy, oh so sweet
everyone loves this family treat

poured over warm waffles
is how its done
served with sausage,
never just one.

a dallop of cool whip
up on top
eat it all gone
while  it’s piping hot.


  1. Is the recipe a secret? It looks so yummy- please share! The poem makes it all seem fun, from preparing to eating!

    1. My first inclination was to write about the tradition and the recipe but some how it became a poem. I think Waffles and Chocolate part 2 will be my post tomorrow....promise to include the recipe too! :)

  2. I agree! That looks scrumptious! What a treat! And so was the poem! You did a great job playing with words. That's the beauty with poetry -- there are no rules!

    1. Thank you. I'm glad there are no rules...then I am free to be me and do as I please!

  3. Yummy! Chocolate on waffles, what a great idea. The poem made me happy, its got a little bouncy rhythm to it.

  4. Looks delicious. I remember my grandmother's recipes. Lots was to taste or a pinch of this and that. Never figured out how much a pinch is.

    1. It is yummy! Every time I watch my mamma make it, She never measures ...and just says, enough to taste, or the right consistency....So it truly is like an experiment (re: your clever post)

  5. "chocolate gravy" -- what a great phrase. I've never heard it, and it makes chocolate sauce sound fresh and new. I look forward to the recipe. Arjeha, I found a set of little spoons at a Bed, Bath & Beyond that claims to measure a "dash," a "pinch," and a "smidgen."

    1. Maybe those measuring devices is exactly what I need to perfect this recipe. As I was writing, I considered playing with those terms dallop and dash, sidgen and pinch but only a few made it in. Maybe another slice!
