Tuesday, January 7, 2025

OLW 2025

One Little Word for 2025


Seek the  things that make me happy.

“SEE”k-  to “See”, notice

See beauty, notice others

Seek my own health and wellness.

Seek healthy foods.

Seek exercise.

Seek my next adventure. 

I will start my last year of teaching in 2025. 

My mind has already started to seek what is next.  

Seek what I want to do after retirement.  


Make it happen. 

Seek to learn something new.

My world has been teaching and education for so many years.

I have always loved to learn.  I will seek to learn new things for myself.  

There are so many other worlds bigger than what I have known. 

To seek,  your mind must  be open.  

Seek myself.

Seek means moving forward. Moving on to what is next. 

My son, Michael,  graduates in 2025. He, too, will be seeking what he wants in his life after graduating high school.   I feel myself eager to see what he will do.  I want him to see the world of possibilities.  I will  guide, support, and encourage him to seek what makes him happy. 

Synonyms: Pursue, Quest, Search

With wonder, curiosity 

It is like when you are young. Eager  and curious.  

For me, It is starting fresh and new.

With all hopes, my word next year will be “Found”! 

OLW 2004 = Shift

OLW 2023 = Anyway

OLW 2022 = Thrive

OLW 2021 = Create

OLW 2020 = Reach

OLW 2019 = Believe

OLW 2018 = Joy

Monday, January 1, 2024

SHIFT into the new Year


My One Little Word for 2024

Shift your thinking
Adjust attitude
Change gears
Take a different path
Move away from Negative —---> toward positive (find the good)
Shift into the next gear
Taking little bits at a time
One gear after another but climbing
Up, faster, forward, stronger

Take it up a notch
Keep moving forward
Press on
The definition of shift
Verb 1. move or cause to move from one place to another, especially over a small distance.
Noun 1. a slight change in position, direction, or tendency.
change the emphasis, direction, or focus of.
Synonyms: change, alter, adjust, adapt, amend, vary, modify, revise
Doesn’t one gear after another get you to the top?
Yes, one gear at a time!
So let's SHIFT into the new YEAR!

2018= Joy
2019= Believe
2020= Reach
2021= Create
2022= Thrive
2023= Anyway

Monday, January 2, 2023

OLW 2023

 My One Little Word for 2023

2018= Joy
2019= Believe
2020= Reach
2021= Create
2022= Thrive

I'll admit sometime I struggle with having courage. I've lived comfortably/safely on this side of fear probably my whole life.
Fear stops me sometimes.
Fear of not knowing.
Fear of causing an upset.
Fear of making someone angry.
I'm fearful of snakes, fearful of dogs, fearful of horses…well I guess all animals basically.
You guys….I got a Cricut last year for Christmas. I really wanted it, I knew I would love it. But …..I didn't open it for a YEAR! Too scared to mess up, didn't know how,  too intimidated! 

I thought about choosing the word "fearless" to lead me into 2023 but that just didn't seem like me. Some people live life fearlessly. However, it didn't sound like something I would do. Fearless literally means "without fear". I can already tell you that is not me. I will always have "fear". (Caution you could say) A healthy amount caution has protected me and my children from danger . Prevented accidents, etc.
Therefore .....I'm selecting the word "Anyway".
I saw a piece entitled "Do it Anyway" It really resonated with me.
This seemed more like me. I've always said and thought "Don't let other people's behavior change your character" 

They may be acting unkind, be kind anyway. 

They may be rude, be polite anyway. 

They may be impatient, this is the time to show your patience. 

They maybe unhappy or grumpy, but you can still show them happiness. 

Yes this seemed more like me. 

So I am learning to live life in spite of my fear. Most of you know we own  horse and Kaitlyn rides (really "races" her horse around barrels ) Yes I still squirm in my seat when I think she's going too fast. I grit my teeth and even emit a choice word or two when it's just more than my momma fear can take. But guess what, she's getting to do it. She rides horses, she has her own horse. Even though I'm afraid, I let her follow her dreams desires and wishes. I feel her confidence and her courage and let those outweigh my fears. 

I even opened my Cricut this week and jumped in with my first project. It's ok if I mess up or don't know how, just do it anyway. Isn't that the definition of courage? Feeling the fear but doing it anyway. Yes, FEAR is not the Boss of me! (that is actually a book by Jennifer Allwood that I read last year) Fear shouldn't stop me from doing the things I want to do ! I'm going to do it ANY WAY I can anyway!

OLW 2022


One Little Word for 2022

2018= JOY


2020= REACH

2021= CREATE


Every year, I choose "One Little Word" (O.L.W.) for a mission for the year.
Yes its true, I survived 2021 and all the craziness going on in the world & our lives.
Survived....teaching in a pandemic..
Survived.....my husband's heart attack and open-heart, quadruple bypass surgery.
Survived... getting Covid and pneumonia
Survived....losing my mamma.
The list could go on.
2022 will be the first year of my life on this Earth not having either of my parents.

The first image shows that I can have deep strong loving roots that represent my family/mom and dad, my upbringing, memories. traditions etc. Those feed in to who I am. I can also reach for more! I will continue to grow, bloom, flourish. Soak up all that nourishes me, helps me glow, fills me with love and life. So in 2022, I want to do more than just survive, it's time for me to THRIVE!!

This is flower bloomed at my mom & Dad's home from what everyone just believed to be "an ugly green weed" that my Dad refused to cut down. Miraculously it blossomed into this most beautiful large flower! Talk about THRIVE!!!

Friday, January 1, 2021

OLW 2021

 2018= JOY


2020= REACH


This is more than being crafty,  more than creativity 

Not just arts and crafts

I can CREATE anything

I am a creator










The things I love



Good times









A home

A future

The life I want

Reflecting on OLW from 2020

                                                                 It is time to reflect on 2020 

Thank goodness 2020 is in the hindsight! 

How did I do fulfilling my OLW for 2020? 

Did I …..REACH….in 2020?

This is what I wrote about REACH for 2020  

Reach....for my loved ones. Spending that quality time with each of my children.  Knowing their love language. Giving hugs. to touch.  Connecting with them. Same for my spouse! Taking the time to reach out to other family members too. Whether it's picking up the phone to call, commenting on a Facebook post, sending a package or letter, making the effort to attend that family gathering or hosting it for that matter! 

Reach......and stretch! Yes, to stretch my body feels so good. If only for 5 minutes while the coffee brews to ignite those muscles. Maybe that will lead to more opportunities to pursue exercise for me. Yoga...that's stretching right?....that's my kind of exercise! 

Reach....... out to others. It might be actually lending a helping hand or  it could be a simple smile or wave. Be open. Reach  out to others -co-workers, neighbors, even strangers.  A kind word or compliment can brighten someone's day. Those sunshine rays will fill my soul too. 

Yes committed to connecting with my family.  Still in great communication with my sister in Arizona even though we delayed and postponed her regular visits back here to KC she did make it here in time for Thanksgiving. We were giving thanks for some time together. Soon after the COVID restrictions began we continued with a family camping and canoeing trip with Mia, Lori’s family & , Amys family.   Our family had to get creative with communication and connecting (because of COVID) we had several siblings video calls with all 5 of us on the line. A little while  after struggling through COVID restrictions & fear,  we  reached out and pulled my mamma out of assisted living and into the arms of loved ones to be with and care for her.  Through that I was able to connect more with Leilani and family and even Kevin Sr. and Jr and JJ. I visited,  called and connected with Cathy and family too (now that they have moved back from Hawaii)& visited frequently when Mamma was staying with her in Weston.   We went to Amy’s house many times and try to continue making memories for my children with her kids there at her Lake House.   I sent packages to Jeni (to get well after falling and breaking her leg) to Dave and Mara, Treigh and Tina for Christmas. I hand knit a chunky blanket for Mia and painted a snowglobe of her grandchildren. 

Reaching my kids… connecting with, quality time- Kaitlyn played on a volleyball team and I stepped up to coach it.  I did stretch myself by listening to my child’s love &  allowing her to pursue her passions, not only did she do horseback riding lessons every week and camp during the summer but towards the end of the year,  I pushed for her to be able to lease a horse (She leased Rusty for the first time this year for 3 months, Sept, Oct & Nov)   Helping Michael find and do what he enjoys...quitting baseball and began racing dirt bikes this summer. Spent lots of time fishing & hunting. Got to mount his deer skull, make his own turkey fan mount at school in woodshop class, turn his own duck call. Possibly starting archery and shooting trap through the school too. Encouraging and supporting him in the things he loves.  

Reach and stretch- Id say yes, I did this too. I joined BeachBody and committed to T20 then the 21 Day Fix twice. This summer I was walking everyday at least 2 miles- to the point at the lake or to the beach &  back. I tuned into Phit n Phat podcast and took the No BS weightloss course. I joined the weightloss Facebook group at school and lost some weight. 

Did I Reach out to others?..... Stop and ask Pam (coworker)  about her mom and was there for her when her mom passed away.  Reached out to Peggy when she wasn;t working any more. Reaching out to (Alice) & Farmer Family mom has cancer and K and Alice nurturing a friendship. Leave little gifts and presents, treats and food at their door has been so fulfilling to us.  Hosted a Friends-mas for Katilyn and a few of her friends They stayed after school, decorated cookies, drank cocoa and exchanged gifts with each other. 

I am happy to realize this desire to REACH in 2020 followed me throughout the entire year. I did take steps into the unknown, I did extend a hand, I did stretch out my neck and do things I had never done before, I did do things I had never done before all in an effort to REACH. I feel satisfied that is had become who I am to REACH :)

Thursday, January 2, 2020

OLW for 2020

 Reach for 20/20
My One Little Word for 2020

On New Year's Day I was still looking for my one little word for this year. (sidenote: 2018=Joy, 2019= Believe) I was reading other's blogs and posts and was gathering inspiration from their  OLW selections.  However, I was still searching for mine on Jan 1st while the Rose Bowl New Year's Day parade played on the TV in the background. The first float paraded by it's theme caught my ear....."Reach for the stars!"  
Yes, so full of ambition and potential-  Open to possibilities. Reach for the stars! Reach for 2020- yes, 20/20 vision - seeing clearly. 
  I singled out the word "Reach" .  We can reach for so much more than stars. Its meaning could weave through many facets of my life. 

 Reach....for my loved ones. Spending that quality time with each of my children.  Knowing their love language. Giving hugs. to touch.  Connecting with them. Same for my spouse! Taking the time to reach out to other family members too. Whether it's picking up the phone to call, commenting on a Facebook post, sending a package or letter, making the effort to attend that family gathering or hosting it for that matter! 
Reach......and stretch! Yes, to stretch my body feels so good. If only for 5 minutes while the coffee brews to ignite those muscles. Maybe that will lead to more opportunities to pursue exercise for me. Yoga...that's stretching right?....that's my kind of exercise! 
Reach....... out to others. It might be actually lending a helping hand or  it could be a simple smile or wave. Be open. Reach  out to others -co-workers, neighbors, even strangers.  A kind word or compliment can brighten someone's day. Those sunshine rays will fill my soul too. 

Reach....deep within myself. What is it that I truly want and desire? Pull out my character , my being,  find my purpose.  Let those  dreams  rise to the surface and grab on to them! 

 Reach seemed to ring clearer and clearer with my vision for 2020.  
So I will reach for the New Year's bell 
and ring in 2020 with  

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